Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Picky Eating and Weaning Woes

Is anyone else's LO a crappy eater? DS #2 used to be so good, eating veggies, fruits, whatever he was given, now he only wants to eat cheese, bread, berries and Cheerios. You can get him to take a few bites of other things, then he throws a fit.

Secondly, I've been trying to wean him to a sippy cup (from BF), and he's not taking to it well (hates the bottle even more). I put BM in the cup, and he might drink half of it over the course of the afternoon/evening. He literally spits out cow's milk. I worry he's not getting enough milk then.

I have to head back to work next week, which means two sippy cup feedings during the day, and it makes me even more worried.

Any suggestions for these table tantrums?


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