Pregnant after IF

name help/thoughts

So I have two boys to name here and we are having some difficulty!!!

We didnt name DD until she was born (had it narrowed down to 3-5 names.)  But I feel like I want to name them sooner.  I dont like referring to them as A and B :(

 We both prefer less common names, but not ones that are "totally out there" if that helps.  Our DD's name is Brynn.   We are using my late brother's name as the middle names.   So one will be _______ Todd and the other _________ Alden.

I really think I like the name Beckett for one.   (do you like that or is it too weird/surnamey?)   Do you have any suggestions for the other name?

I know they are both B names, but that wasnt intentional, we decided we dont really care if all 3 names start with a B or not.  



TTC#2: septum removed, 2 losses, Stage 2 Endo, thin lining, slight MFI
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