Pregnant after IF

Pregnant after 2.5 years and IVF#1!

I cant believe i can finally post on here!!! We just went through our second shot at IVF #1. The datails of the cycle are in my sigi! So being fathers day, 5dp5dt,  i though it would be really cool to possibly get a positive....and it was!!!! Very faint line on three test, but it was there!!! I had pre bought a to-be-fathers day card, and was able to give to my hubby this morning when he woke up. It was great! I called my RE today and they want me to wait till wed to do beat#1. I pray for this to be it, and healthy bean(s)!!! Please any T&P you have, and congratulations to all of you who here! The journies here through infertility are something else....all along God did have a plan!
TTC since December 08' Me PCOS and DH MI 7 failed IUI's 1 natural pegnancy ending in a m/c at 5 weeks May 11'- 1 canceled IVF June 11'- IVF, 43 retrieved, 33 mature, and 25 fretilized!!! June 14th 11'- 2 grade A blasts with me! 6 snow babies! June 19th 11'- BFP!!! 5DP5DT June 22nd 11'- Beta 88.6 P4 18.9 8dp5dt! June 24th 11'- Beta 234 P4 24 10dp5dt! June 28th 11'- Beta 1707 14dp5dt First ultrasound July 7th 11'- it's TWINS!!! God knows our struggles and our hearts desires! BabyFetus Ticker
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