Pregnant after IF

Very cautious hello and some questions

Hi ladies!  I'm not sure how many of you will recognize me from TTTC since I haven't posted much in the last few months and have been mostly a lurker.  We did our first round of IVF and I got faint positives this weekend and a very clear BFP this morning (7dp5dt)! 

A little background - I have PCOS and even though I took pretty low doses of stims, the RE retrieved 41 eggs (eek).  I started to have OHSS symptoms pretty quickly after retrieval and the RE started me on a presciption to help reduce the fluids in my abdomen.  We froze most of the fertilized eggs and the RE was considering canceling my transfer.  I started to feel better and we ended up transferring one beautiful day 5 blast instead of 2 day 3 embryos like we originally planned.

A couple questions - did any of you have a lot of pain and cramping especially in the last week of your 2ww or after your first positive test?  I get pretty extreme back pains and cramping in the front that lasts for about 20 minutes and then goes away for awhile.  Also, my beta is scheduled for Thursday (10dp5dt).  For those of you that caved and tested like me, did you ask for an earlier beta or just wait it out? 

I'm so excited to possibly be joining you guys and congrats to all of you! 


Off BCP March 2009 TTC since September 2009 3 rounds of Clomid + Trigger, 3 rounds of Gonal-F + Trigger, total of 4 IUIs - all BFNs IVF May/June 2011 - BFP! BabyFruit Ticker
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