Pregnant after IF

XP: Send letters to your Sentors

Hey Ladies,

I don't know that many if anyone over here knows who I am.  I'm on the IF Vets board.  Back in May, Resolve, my husband, myself and a bunch of other IF friends went to DC to fight for the Family Act.  Basically, it's a tax credit that would be given to those of us that have to go through IF treatments to build our families.  I am asking and begging that EVERYONE that has been through IF to PLEASE send in a letter. 

Here is a link right from Resolve for a letter to send to your Sentors about the Family Act.  It is so super important that we get a lot of letters into DC to those Sentors.  If you want to include some of your person story, there is a box for that.  Please send this link onto your family and friends that know what you are going throught.  Have EVERYONE send in a letter.  It can be done by fax, mail or email.  It is so important that those Sentors that are there to represent you know what is important to you.

Thank You!!  Melissa aka LuckynTigger

image TTC with PCOS since Feb. 07. Currently on a break to save $$ for IUI. Searching for My Mini M&M
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