Pregnant after IF

xp from IFV: Tell me about Intralipids.....

Your experience with the infusion, s/e...anything else I should know???

If you did intralipids during your BFP cycle, do you think it helped?

I am having it done tomorrow morning and I'm a little nervous.  Need some success stories! :)

Thanks ladies!!!!
TTC #1 Since 11/08 - Dx: MFI & PCOS
7 IUIs = All BFNs
2011: March IVF #1.2 = e/p @ 6w: May IVF #2 = BFN: July sFET #1 = BFN

2012: Jan We're Certified FC/A Parents
May IVF #3 = c/p
June-Nov Foster Mommy to M (Toddler)
July FET #2 = BFN
Aug FET #3 = BFN
Sept-Nov Foster Mommy to Baby Bella (Newborn)
Nov HSG/Sono = Clear!
Dec FET #4 = BFN
Jan FET #5 = TBD
**PAIF/SAIF Welcome**
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