Pregnant after IF

modified bedrest after 2 night stay is the hospital

So Thurs night went into L&D with contractions (28wks with triplets) that were a few minutes apart. I had very high BP upon arrival and protein in my urine so they though possible PreE. Monitored the triplets, which was making contractions stronger and more often. I was 1cm dialated 0% effaced, and this did not change after 1hr. My BP leveled out immediately. I was kept 2 nights for monitoring and they also gave me meds to stop contrax that didnt really help...and also gave me the steroids for the babies just in case. Home now on modified I need 24hr help with DD, luckily my family is close and I have a few friends off diff days during the week to lend a hand! I will remain on this until my appt the 27th and my guess is they'll keep me the same or increase limitations depending on everything at that point. Very glad to be home, so much more comfortable, well as comfy as I can be at this point anyway.
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