Pregnant after IF

I've been in and out of L&D for the past two days

I won't write all of the details because I'm exhausted but I thought I would give you ladies an update.

 I went in to L&D on Wed night at about 11pm because Iw as having contractions that were about 5 mins apart and I had sever back pain.  I had ketones in my urine and I also have a UTI, both likely sending me into PTL.  They gave me fluids and checked my cervix.  I was 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced.  After checking me once an hour for about 5 hours I wasn't progressing.  So they discharged me and gave me an antibiotic for the UTI.  

Well the contractions and back pain got more painful so we went back to L&D on Thursday around 5 pm.  I still had ketones in my urine.  They checked me again and I was 3 cm and 60% effaced.  But after being there for about 6 hours my cervix wasn't changing, AGAIN.  Since I'm only 35 weeks they won't stop labor but won't help ti along either.  So I'm just waiting for my water to break at this point.  I don't want to have this baby early but I'm in agony.  The contractions wont stop and he must be posterior with the awful back pain that I'm having.  They won't give me anything for pain either and Tylenol isn't even touching the pain.  I'm just so frustrated and ready to have this baby already!  

Thanks for letting me vent ladies. 

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