Pregnant after IF

Dr. question??

Hello Ladies!  I have a quick question for you all.  When did you make your first OB visit? My RE wants me to stay with his Nurse Practitioner until 12 weeks, but my gut is telling me to make an appointment sooner with my OB.  What should I do? The one reason I want to start my OB visits is it will be completely covered by my insurance.  The RE is all OOP. Uh I just don't know what to do... Any advise is greatly appreciated!!

TIA! Dustilou Big Smile

Matthew & Lillian 1/23/2012 It's TWINS!!!!! 1rst IVF May 2011 ER 5/30/11 ET 6/2/11 2 transfered #1 6/10/11 211 #2 6/13/11 880!!! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
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