Pregnant after IF

Update on Me

So, it was twin day here at the hospital yesterday -- they delivered 3 sets of twins from the antenatal floor, but thankfully I was not one of them! 

However, we got good news/bad news yesterday...  My August babies may be July babies, but will more likely be June babies. Completed 3 weeks of hospital bedrest and starting into week 4, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. 

Both babies have passed their NSTs and BPPs with flying colors.  As of yesterday, Baby A now has high-normal fluid levels, and Baby B was upgraded from moderate oligo (moderate low fluid diagnosed on Tuesday) back to mild oligo, which was promising.  All of their dopplers came back normal, which was great! 

Now, the bad news...  my creatinine (kidney function) level is rising, which isn't great.  They are watching it, but it means delivery will probably be sooner rather than later.  I'm up to a 1.0, which is within normal range for an adult woman, but they usually see much lower levels in pregnancy.  I started at a .6 when I arrived on 5/28, and although .4 doesn't seem like a large increase, apparently it is not a linear scale.  (it's some metric scale, but I couldn't tell you what -- it was all over my head at that point!) 

In the interim, they don't like to see PreE patients go beyond the 34w mark, which is this coming Wednesday, so it could be the end of this week that we get to meet the twins.  For now, they are increasing my twice weekly BPPs, to every day, along with the NSTs I was already doing.  Bloodwork will still be drawn twice a week -- Tuesdays & Fridays.  Not awful, but not great -- they're really watching the babies' dopplers and cord flows at this point, and making sure that I don't have renal failure. 

I'm still hoping to make it to June 28th, as that is when my MFM returns from her Greek vacation, as I would like her to deliver me. 

Hope you ladies are all doing well!!  

Mr. & Mrs. ~ 09.08.07

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