Pregnant after IF

Another AW - baby shower update

So, my mom was supposed to pick me up at work yesterday at 4 for a pedicure. 

I was working in our office conference room, and the front doorbell rang (we keep the door locked bc of the type of work we do) and I came around the corner to check out who might be showing up on a late Friday, and it wasn't my mom - it was my two very best friends from high school!!!! (One lives in Florida and one in Iowa).  I almost crumpled and then busted into tears. 

I can't believe they're here - and one brought her cute 6 month old son, who I hadn't met, yet.  I feel so lucky and blessed to have such awesome people in my life.

We have joked that we are the fairy godmothers for each other's children.  I can't imagine anyone else that I'd love more to fulfill that role.

We went out to dinner last night and just hung out, and we are off for pedicures before the shower this morning!

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