Pregnant after IF

Hope ya'll don't mind...

But I just have one little question I'd like to get some opinions on...

I have been on a "Bump break" since February.

IVF#1=Positive, miscarriage at 7wks
IVF#2=Negative {this is when the "Bump break" started, I was driving myself nuts...}

Just had FET#3 last Wednesday, Doc told me to test today, 9dpt. I did blood work but won't know the result for 24-48hrs. So my anxiety got the best of me and I POAS... and Negative :(

Not trying to sound toooo desperate, but what are my chances it may have been too early?

{And why the heck would the doc tell me to test this early if there would be a big chance it could be?)-Last two tries I was told to do the 2ww.... 

Also, one more thing... since my break in February it is SO encouraging to peek into this board tonight for the first time and see a bunch of you HERE that were on the Infertility board with me back in Feb! Congrats! Gives me hope ladies! Thanks for taking the time to read/respond. Just need some realistic opinions, or maybe a little bit of hope.xo

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