Pregnant after IF

Back from Vaca & an Update (long)

I'm so bummed to be back from the most amazing 3 days in Vegas!!! I sat poolside for hours on end, read 2 whole novels and ate like a champ! They had to shove me on the plane to get me back home.

It was a fabulous trip except for the bleeding that began the first day there! I FREAKED! I had no internet access, and flipped. It was bright red blood, and the last thing I expected to see. I had the after hours RE paged I was so flipped out. He put me on IB profrin 400mg 2x per day to help stop it, and explained that it happens in about 20% of normal pregnancies. Mmmmm 20%? Not high enough for me. So needless to say I worried for 4 days until I could get back to town and have an u/s today. The bleeding only lasted for about 2 days, then it became dark brown spotting/ only there when I wipe (TMI I know).

DH took off work special to go with me today because I was terrified of receiving bad news.  Nope! We have an amazingly healthy little one growing away. It measured exactly on track, and it's HB is up to 167 (from 122 1.5 weeks ago). It had little arm buds and leg buds and moved! The most amazing part though, was DH hearing the HB for the first time. What an awesome moment.

To make a long story short, RE determined I have an SCH. He has put me on "light" duty (I sit at a desk all day) until the bleeding has been gone for at least 1 week. Ugh... stupid SCH. Go away!

And to make it all better... no more a** shots!!! :)  He wants me to stay on the prometrium suppos 2x per day, but I don't have to take the shots anymore! YEAH!

Thanks ladies, if your still reading this) for all of your support! I died without being able to post about my spotting!

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