Pregnant after IF

Peeking in from SAIF

Hi ladies I'm a regular on SAIF but just got a BFP for #2 yesterday.  We've been trying since September 2009 (I'm PCOS) and found success with our 2nd Femara IUI.

I have a bit of a unique situation I'm a NP in an OB/GYN office so I literally share an office with my Dr.  I'm calling RE on Monday to tell them about BFP and I'll get beta's Mon and Wed.  Will probably get an u/s at work in 1.5-2 weeks.  Looking forward to getting to know you guys.  

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TTC #2 with PCOS since September 2009
BFP, Femara 7.5mg, Ovidrel, IUI. Beta #1 17dpIUI -495 Beta #2 19dpIUI-1031
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