Pregnant after IF

Who are you naming as guardians if something should happen to you and your DH?

I'm curious as this was mentioned in the post below about being one and done.

We've really struggled with this even though I come from a large family.  I have a sister and two younger brothers and DH has a sister, but she is developmentally disabled and we are her guardians.  My sister is in an abusive marriage so we wouldn't ever give Max to her.  My brothers are both a lot younger than me (6 and 9 yrs younger), one is wild and carefree (as is his wife) and so not ready for kids.  The other is just getting ready to start chiropractic school which is a 5 yr doctoral program so he isn't in a position to be a guardian, although in the long run he is the person we want to be Max's guardian.  DH's parents are too old (currently in their 70s) and while we are guardians to his sister she still lives with them and they are her caregivers, so they are out.  That leaves my parents and thankfully my mom is young (59) and in good health.  We figure for the first few years she will be our guardian and then once my youngest brother finishes school we'll ask him.  I pray that we never need a guardian, but feel like I need to plan for it.  We still haven't done a will and really need to get our act together quickly.

So have you all chosen guardians and done wills?

TTC since 8/2004
Me - DX Hashimoto's Disease, Hypothyroid, Rheumatoid Arthritis
DH - DX Azoospermia - Sertoli Cell Syndrome
DS-IUI #1-4 BFN IVF #1 - BFP! It's a boy!!!
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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