Pregnant after IF

30ish week update

I just had my OB appointment. I've actually lost a few ounces since last appointment! My doctor is happy with my overall weight gain (roughly 5 pounds) in light of being overweight before pregnancy and having gestational diabetes. Baby is measuring about 1 week ahead (instead of 2 like she had been), and doc is cool with that too. My blood pressure was good (104/58). Hearbeat was around 140. Doc thinks she is head down too! Who knows if she will stay that way, though...

My doctor cleared me to travel over 4th of july so we can now book our tickets! Yay!!! 

So, gotta share a bit of TMI. When I got there today for my appointment, I was told to go to the restroom and leave my sample, as always. Never had a problem with this before. Today, I had the cup all positioned and was ready to go...and I realized that no pee was going into the cup. I tried moving the cup around to catch my tiny trickle (which is all that would come out), and I finally caught about 3 drops. Frustrated, I put the cup in the little window, finished up in there, and told the nurse I didn't think I caught enough for them to do the tests they needed to do! I was a little embarrassed... But, she came back in the exam room a few minutes later and let me know my 3 drops were enough to test. Guess I don't need to fill the cup like I usually do....ha! 

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