Pregnant after IF

BFP after overstim and cancellation?

Has anyone become pregnant after overstimulating and having your cycle cancelled?  My cycle was cancelled on my cd9 due to overstimulation on Menopur.  I had 12 follicles ranging between 15 and 10mm.  Since being cancelled DH and I have been extremely careful not to get pregnant but of course we were not being careful prior to being cancelled.  I stared taking Provera to induce AF and I usually get it 2-3 days I am six days past my last Provera pill.  I know it can take up to 10 days but I also normally get AF symptoms that are like clockwork.  I felt like I was starting to get them but then...NOTHING.  It all stopped and I don't feel like AF is coming at all!  I was thinking about POAS to be sure but I don't know if I am just overreacting.

Has anyone been through this?

Lucky IUI #3 Clomid + Menopur + IUI = BFP!!!
Beta #1 (9.15.11) ~ 437!!! Beta #2 (9.19.11) ~ 1,854!!! EDD 05.24.2012 TWINS!!! BabyFruit Ticker

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