Pregnant after IF

Big baby!

So I'm a little nervous.  I'm about 2 weeks from my due date and had a growth scan today.  They said the baby is likely to be over 9 pounds at 40 weeks....yikes!  I was 10lbs 6 oz at birth (and big babies run in my family) so that's why they did the growth scan.  My OB wanted to see what we were dealing with.  Funny thing is - I'm really a small person and everyone keeps telling me how tiny I am (my belly even measured small once but doc said it was because I was carrying low).  There were two other women in the MFM office and they looked huge compared to me.  So how the heck is this baby so big?  I don't get it. 

Anyway, I am a little nervous because they told me that his head is in the high 80th percentile!  Babies in my husband's family tend to have big domes so I sort of expected it...but now I'm scared to death of giving birth! 

Anyone else in similar shoes? 

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