Pregnant after IF

XP: First u/s pic :)

Ok here it is! Sorry I didnt post it along with my original post! Im just trying to be honest with myself and know for that today, I am pregnant, and that everyday is a gift <3<3

In case you didnt see my first post, LOs hb is 116, a measuring a little on the small side.. T&Ps always appreciated :)


Married November 2007
DH became a double above knee amputee with traumatic brain injury (TBI) - July 2009
TTC - August 2009 DX: Severe MFI & TF due to TBI
DH SA 0 count, started clomid therapy - November 2010
DH SA 0 count, increased clomid dosage - January 2011
DH SA 75 million with 60% motility!! - May 2011
IVF with ICSI ONLY OPTION - May 2011
3dt of 2 Grade A 8&7 cell embryos May 19, 2011
+HPT May 30 2011 -- Memorial Day!
Beta #1 = 34 Beta #2 = 101.8 Beta #3 = 603!
Expecting beautiful Eden Grace February 7, 2012!
I don't believe that God ever tells us "no". he has three options. Yes, not right now, or I have something better in mind. We just have to wait & see. BabyFetus Ticker
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