Pregnant after IF

Uterine Septum anyone? Looking for success stories

Hi girls, Coming over from 3T to ask a quick question (kind of an xp).  Surgeon found and removed a uterine septum during my lap/hsc yesterday.  Also removed moderate endo (not involving ovaries or tubes, thank goodness!). 

Have any of you had a septum removed and gotten pregnant afterward?  He didn't seem to think the endo was a big deal, but that the septum was.  I'm just looking to hear of other people's experiences with this. TIA!

11/09- off BCP 08/10- TTC w/ charting
Dx- Stage 3 Endo, Septate Uterus
DH SA Normal (phew!)
06/11- Lap/HSC removed endo and resected septum
8/11-10/11 Femara + TI = BFN
Currently undergoing testing with RE, repeat HSC scheduled next cycle
On to IUI in Dec 2011
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