Pregnant after IF

First u/s! T&Ps and miracle grow appreciated!

Hey ladies! Had my first u/s today! I'll post a pic a little later because I'm still at the hospital picking up my meds. We had a nice strong hb of 116! One negative.. We are Measuring a little small. My RE calculates my at 6 weeks and 0 days but baby bean is only measuring 4.1.. I have another u/s next Wednesday to follow up and see how we're growing. The RE likes the hb but not the size and said he's seen it go either way.. Grow baby grow!! Any extra T&Ps are always appreciated :)
Married November 2007
DH became a double above knee amputee with traumatic brain injury (TBI) - July 2009
TTC - August 2009 DX: Severe MFI & TF due to TBI
DH SA 0 count, started clomid therapy - November 2010
DH SA 0 count, increased clomid dosage - January 2011
DH SA 75 million with 60% motility!! - May 2011
IVF with ICSI ONLY OPTION - May 2011
3dt of 2 Grade A 8&7 cell embryos May 19, 2011
+HPT May 30 2011 -- Memorial Day!
Beta #1 = 34 Beta #2 = 101.8 Beta #3 = 603!
Expecting beautiful Eden Grace February 7, 2012!
I don't believe that God ever tells us "no". he has three options. Yes, not right now, or I have something better in mind. We just have to wait & see. BabyFetus Ticker
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