Pregnant after IF

XP: 3D Ultrasound Photos!

We had our 3D ultrasound today and Kaeden decided to be very stubborn!Despite spending an hour at the appointment drinking apple juice, running up & down stairs and trying to wiggle her in all sorts of positions, she would not turn in the right direction for really clear shots. So, these are all we got, but they are enough to know she's a cutie! :) ( and Photobucket were both acting up tonight, so here is the link for Flickr instead): 
DW & I (yes, we're lesbians!) are using anonymous donor sperm and IUI TTC#1! Diagnosed with pituitary adenoma at age 16 2009: Extensive testing to find reason for irregular periods & rule out uterine cancer 10/2010: Dx possible PCOS / No Ovulation / Retroverted Uterus IUI #1 on 11/10/10 (50mg Clomid + Ovidrel trigger + Anonymous Donor Sperm) = BFN IUI #2 on 12/15/10 (50mg Clomid + Ovidrel trigger + Anonymous Donor Sperm) = BFP!!! Beta #1 = 75 (12dpiui) Beta #2 = 158 (14dpiui) Beta #3 = 333 (15dpiui) Beta #4 = 2,517 (19dpiui) First OB appointment and u/s 1/25/10 EDD: 9/7/11 BabyName Ticker
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