Pregnant after IF

My 7w u/s

You were all right!

Everything was wonderful and our baby is healthy! It's truly amazing how much our LO has grown in just one week. We have the u/s pics on the fridge from 5w, 6w, and now 7w. I love to watch him/her grow! Today we could see the head, and what looked like arms (buds) and legs. They said the heartbeat was strong too! The RN said my progesterone is at 67 which she called a "very good level". yay!

One question: She said that the baby is measuring at 7w1d, which didn't worry her. Then she said that the sac is measuring 6 days behind which also didn't worry her, but it worried me. Has this happened to anyone else? Is this fairly common? Do you think there's anything I can do to help the sac catch up?

Thank you for all of the encouraging words yesterday when I was freaking out. You all really make this journey so much easier. Thanks!

We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And HOPE does not dissappoint.
Romans 5:3-5

~Matt and Jen~
Married August 26, 2006
TTC since June 2008
MFI, Varicocele surgery 4/10 (no improvement)
Labs, SIS, HSG 9/10 - All Clear!
IVF #1 Feb. 2011 = BFN
IVF #2 May 2011 = BFP!!!
Our sweet little girl, born January 26, 2012

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

For this child, we have prayed
Samuel 1:27

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