Pregnant after IF

Normal NT scan, abnormal bloodwork

Hi ladies,

 I'm a frequent "lurker", but have a question today. I am 32 years old,  (33 next month) and I had my NT scan last week with a maternal-fetal medicine office-- everything looked perfect, and the doctor  said that I didn't need to return for follow up.  However, I received a phone call from my OB today and he said that my bloodwork raised some "red flags."  He said my baby has a 1:100 chance of having Downs.  I'm so upset--I realize the odds are in my favor, but I still feel so overwhelmed.  I now have to return to  maternal-fetal medicine this Friday to speak with a genetics counselor and possibly do more testing.  Has anyone had a similar experience??

TTC #1 since 02/09 Dx: Unexplained infertility After a hysteroscopy and D&C in 4/10, 3 rounds of Clomid (and one round of Femara for good measure), and acupuncture for 5 months, I got my first BFP after my first round of IUI with Femara and injectables. I am blessed. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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