Pregnant after IF

My blighted ovum has a heartbeat!?!?!

I seriously have no idea what is going on. Two weeks ago my RE told me after multiple low and slow rising beta and two u/s that this pregnancy isn't viable. He said its a blighted ovum and I should stop taking progesterone. After I stopped the progesterone my levels continued to rise slowing so he had me come back in for another u/s this morning and there was a heartbeat!! I saw it there just beating away! I'm not getting my hopes up because the baby is measuring almost 2 weeks behind and my levels are still rising very slowly but seriously WTF?! I was about to go in there this morning and request a D&C because waiting to miscarry naturally when I have no cramping or spotting is mentally awful. I have to go back in for another u/s next week.

Obviously this is a stretch but has anyone ever heard of any positive outcomes associated with the ridiculousness of this situation?

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