Pregnant after IF

Help! I need advice!!

I had my 37 week appointment yesterday and the baby is huge! He is measuring 7.7 lbs!!  The LO is still a stubborn baby and is completely breech.  Before my ultrasound the doctor did an internal and couldn't tell if he was still breech or not, but he said whatever part is down there "is not down there very well".  So my baby is refusing to turn or start his journey to dropping.  Anyways, I have an appointment for another u/s on next Wednesday the 22nd and if he hasn't turned then I will have a c-section next Thursday the 23rd!! I'm super excited knowing that it is so close! 

But here's my WWYD question....  My doctor flat out told me that the chances of this baby turning are very slim.  So I am thinking of making my last day of work this Friday, so I can prepare things at my house on Monday and Tuesday.  But then I find myself thinking, what if the little guy does decide to turn and then I've wasted like 1-2 weeks of FMLA, when my baby isn't even here........ What to do, what to do????

TTC since Fall of 2007

IUI #1 April 2009-BFN, IUI #2 May 2009-BFN

BFP July 6, 2009-Miscarriage July 9,2009-Chemical Pregnancy

IUI #3 May 2010-BFN, IUI #4 June 2010-BFN

IVF #1 October 2010-2 embryos transferred on Day 3-BFP!!!

Elijah Gage Born July 7, 2011!!!

FET-April 19, BFP!!!

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