Pregnant after IF

Planning a trip!

So, DH and I were originally planning a trip to Chicago with my stepdaughter for the first week in July. That is one of the weeks we have visitation with her, and have been wanting to go back to Chicago with her like we did last summer. She has been talking about how much she can't wait to go back for MONTHS. Well, tonight when she came over for dinner, she tells us that the day she gets out of school for the summer (the 21st of this month), she, her mom, and her grandma are all going to Chicago for the week!

Needless to say, we are a bit pissed that they are taking that away from us. So now we are trying to figure out another cool vacation spot for our time with her. We are researching going to Florida! DH and his family used to do family trips out there as a kid, and I've only been to FL once for a business trip. We are trying to find a condo to rent for a week so we can do beachy stuff at the ocean, and perhaps drive to Disney for a day too. I'm excited! Wish us luck finding an inexpensive condo that is still available on such short notice! I'm hoping my doc will say it's ok for me to travel then, too...I will be  33-34 weeks during the vacation!

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