Pregnant after IF

anatomy scan -- complications :( (and a major vent)

We had our a/s this morning and were there for 5 hours. They confirmed again that Baby A is a boy, and Baby B is a girl. The problem is with Baby A -- our little boy. Apparently, his stomach is on the other side of his abdomen. They mentioned the term 'situs inversus', but couldn't get a great picture of his heart to make any formal diagnosis (having an anatomical problem like this is indicative of genetic issues -- often w/ the heart). We have a fetal echo next week, an MRI the week after, and then a follow-up appt w/ the neonatologist -- all appointments are being done at Stanford, which is a cardio hospital.

My DH and I are so scared -- apparently the peri has only seen this 2-3 times total in his career, and he said the resulting complications are on such a large spectrum. We just have to wait and see...but it did not stop them from going over selective reduction. It was so surreal and I broke down b/c no one would tell us the "best case" and "worst case" scenarios.

I'm just so upset...and so pissed. I'm so angry b/c we have a very limited support system. I called my mom after the appt, but of course she was high and only slurred "oooooohhhhhh....reallly?? I'm sorry" before I hung up. I'm tired of this. Must be nice to be high on xanax and vicodin and oblivious to the real world and feel no pain.

And my sister no longer talks to me b/c she is holding a grudge b/c I haven't called to ask how my nephew is doing (he was born in December). I've gone through hell and back since my chemical pregnancy in November, and she got upset b/c no one sent her flowers when she was in the hospital after her delivery. Not to mention her baby boy was healthy...with no pregnancy complications. What a fvcking b*tch. I bet if I sent her a bit fat check, she would talk to me again. Too bad I had so many complications w/ OHSS and my blood clots that we are still paying massive hospital bills.

And to top it off (and not really important now) but b/c I can't fly or one is planning a baby shower. My best friend actually told me I can "use her email address to send my registry to my friends". It's like I'm not even worth the time of writing an email. Another major effing letdown.

I'm so sorry for the vent -- everything is just so hard right now. I'm stressed, overwhelmed, scared, and let down. I just want my babies to be healthy.

TTC since 8/09
8/10 = Lap to remove Endo

2 Femara TI, 3 Follistim IUI = BFN & 1 c/p
IVF #1 - BFP - boy/girl Twins!

Ben and Reese born at 34w2d!
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