Pregnant after IF

Kaiser Sacramento IF Dept Advice!

Hey everyone... 


New to the boards, not to TTC. DH and I went off the pill in Jan '09 and have been actively TTC since. I had problems getting AF to come back, and was diagnosed with PCOS after a date with Mr Wandy. A few unsuccessful rounds of unmonitored chlomid (after bringing on AF with provera) went by spring/summer '10. Had to switch dr's a few times due to insurance changes, but ended up on metformin and synthroid in October '10. Got my first "real" (ie: non-induced) period that November, and they've been coming every 50 days or so since.

We have moved and switched insurance plans again, and are now in the Kaiser system in Sacramento. I have an appt with the "Center for Reproductive Health" at Point West on Wednesday. Any advice on Dr's or RE's to shoot for? Or even just navigating IF through the Kaiser system as a whole? I went through them for the chlomid cycles in Srn Ca last year, and was very displeased with the care. I was much more uninformed than I am now, and probably would have approached things differently, but still. I'm really hoping not to have a repeat of that fiasco.


Thanks for reading and advising!


(if you'd like a look at a more detailed explanation of my history, check it out here )

Check out my TTC blog!
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