Pregnant after IF

On Bedrest ...

I don't usually have much to post but we had an emotional one today. Thought I would share.

Everything has been perfect at all my appts. We go in today to start weekly NST's due to GD and end up staying on the monitor for an hr because my LO was taking forever to move. Plus, she was actually having some decels with movement. Luckily it was fine because her heartrate also went up with movement and averaged out.

Finally get back to the reg checkup and my bp is high - 168/110! They chalked it up to moving around and laid me on my side. 10 mins later = 168/104. They start getting a bit worried and decide to leave me on my side (in those uncomfy exam beds) for 35 mins. Bp = 170/98.

Doc tells me were going straight over to the hospital to do a 24 urine, labs, growth u/s and a biophysical with the u/s. I almost started crying because she said if my pressure didn't come down she would have to determine wether to keep me until I delivered OR deliver TONIGHT (32 wks).  I was soooo scared.

I was monitored for about 4 1/2 hrs and my bp came down to 136/72 and they released me on bedrest. They found that I have white blood cells and some bacteria in my urine so they are thinking infection. I have to make a trip up there to return my urine tomorrow and then they'll call with instructions/next appt. I have to check my bp 4x a day now as well.

It's been such an emotional day. Our u/s showed LO doing PERFECT though. She is weighing 4.6 lbs which is in the 58 percentile and you couldn't ask for better, right?!

Thanks for reading ladies!

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