Pregnant after IF

Pediatrician ? for those having boys

So I just called the pediatric practice that we want to use for Max and got him all set up.  We have chosen to have him circumcised and when I asked what we needed to do to set that up they said that if the doctor is really busy on the day Max is born that they may not do it until he is 2 weeks to a month old at the doctors office.  I would prefer to have it done in the hospital and get it over with and the nurse said it will just depend on the day.  Is it normal procedure these days to do circumcisions in the doctor's office?

TTC since 8/2004
Me - DX Hashimoto's Disease, Hypothyroid, Rheumatoid Arthritis
DH - DX Azoospermia - Sertoli Cell Syndrome
DS-IUI #1-4 BFN IVF #1 - BFP! It's a boy!!!
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