Pregnant after IF

Home from our vacation/babymoon :)

I am happy to be home, but sad to have our vacation end!  We were at Vineyard Haven (Martha's Vineyard), MA for the week with our dogs, our close friends and their 16 month old son (also my godson).  It was a great week! We had amazing weather (all but the last day or so), and really got to see a majority of the island since we brought our cars over as well.  It was very relaxing.  I have some pictures on FB if anyone is interested... I can try a link, but not sure how that works...

...sorry it isn't clicky, I'm on a mac... FYI, I will probably come in and delete the post and/or the link later tonight/tomorrow just so the pictures aren't open to the world :)

Feel free to send a friend request on FB if that link doesn't work :)

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