Pregnant after IF

Elfster (npaifr)

Is anyone having trouble logging in to elfster? It won't complete the login for me. I've been trying to sign up for the onesie exchange for the last couple of days.
married since 11/21/06 ~ together since 8/12/01
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My Baby Blog
BFP 11/08 ~ Chemical Pregnancy
ttc #1 since 5/2010 with PCOS and blocked left tube
IUI #1-2: Gonal F, Ovidrel, IUI: BFN
IUI#2.5:Gonal F + CD34 Ovidrel Trigger + TI 3/14/11: BFP!
Beta #1(10dpo):26 Beta #2(13dpo): 165 Beta #3 (15dpo): 433 Beta #4 (17dpo): 964 Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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