Pregnant after IF

I think pregnancy hormones have made me mean.

Some of you might remember what's been going on with my mom (being rushed to the hospital in March, developing dementia, having to be placed in a nursing home, etc). I think I've been dealing with it quite well. Until last night.

I got an email from a girl that I was friends with all growing up, but we haven't really been in touch since graduating high school (1993). So, basically, she doesn't know me as an adult. She does know my mom, as they both are up in the same area of the state. Well, this girl just found out through the grapevine that my mom is in the nursing home up there, and she completely bitched me out for not telling her!

I tried to be nice in my reply email, but just couldn't. I went off on her about how I kinda had other things on my mind (my mom's health, my pregnancy, etc) than to try to track down anyone who knows my mom and tell them our family business. I was kinda harsh....but honestly, I don't feel bad about it.

Has anyone else noticed they seem to not be as nice as they were pre-pregnancy? I swear, my filter is gone. 

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