Pregnant after IF

Hello and a question about spotting

Hi ladies. I used to post on IF and 3T, but I was pretty depressed after my last loss and had to take a bump break for a bit. Anyhow, I am very cautiously resurfacing with a hello to each of you lovely ladies. I have been praying and cheering for you all along.

So, my question... I got my bfp last Monday after an FET. Beta at 8dp5dt was 336. I'll have another beta on Monday. Since yesterday, I have had very light pink spotting and AF-like cramps. Google tells me this can be normal, but I am still concerned, as it seems late for implantation bleeding.

I will feel better hearing from the PAIF ladies -- did anyone here experience this?

4 Clomid cycles + 3 IUIs w/ injectables + 1 IVF = 1 m/c, 1 ectopic
FET May 2011 = BFP! Beta 1 (8dp5dt): 336, Beta 2 (12dp5dt): 2033, Beta 3 (14dp5dt): 4706

? So thankful for our little guys, born at 33 weeks. ?
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