Pregnant after IF

other people get pregnant too?!? (vent/ X-post from feb '12)

Ugh!  I feel terrible that that little green monster got me- especially when we're so happy to be expecting ourselves!  I knew my SIL was due in October, then we found out last night 1 cousin is due in September, and today that our other cousins are due in December and another sometime in the winter.  We'd been trying longer and the cousins are all on their second.  I don't expect to catch up but just got all- geesh, it is so easy for them.  Vent done. 

Thank you ladies for the mantra:  Today I am pregnant and I love my baby.  I'm gonna go clean and make cookies Stick out tongue

image Daisypath Anniversary tickers
TTC since 3-2008: v/c repair 2009; BFP: 7-2010, m/c 8-2010, c/p 4-2011, BFP: 6-2011 EDD: 2-12-2012?
BabyFruit Ticker
Today I am pregnant & I love my baby!
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