Pregnant after IF

After all we have been through..

My inlaws are disappointed we are having girls.. I have been so upset over this. They give me smart ass comments about when we are going to try again for a boy. DHs father never looks excited when we talk about the girls... when we told them for the first time he looked pissed. Last weekend his aunt told me that she wished all her neices and nephews were boys because girls are such a pain. I was in shock! Why would you say that to someone you know is having two girls!?!?! Then I told her that DH is getting really excited about the girls... and she said "keep telling yourself that." I am so heartbroken. I called Dhs mother and told her we wanted her to come to our 4D scan the day of my shower and she was like okay i guess. REALLY? I told my mom and she was jumping off the walls to go! I feel like I am just going to give up. I know that once they are here they change their minds but right now its rough...
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