Pregnant after IF

SIL VENT! long

There really is no point to this other than to vent.  I just have to e-scream so I don't burst too much to DH b/c as sick of her as he is, she's still his sister.  I knew this was coming, but just decided to post and get it over with.  Sure enough, not even 10 minutes after my status my SIL pulls her high-and-mighty SAHM card. 


Me: Baby is halfway baked today and we can check one more thing off our to-do list! Toured a daycare this morning and really liked it, so it looks like we'll be filling out the application and putting down the deposit to hold a spot for this little one to start going in February!

SIL's reply to my status: I'd be happy to help you get started on something where you could work at home. It IS possible, and something you'd never regret vs. losing precious moments that you'll never have or be able to get back... I've worked in daycares/ preschools.../ schools - and can say that there's a lot that goes on that you'll never see as a parent. It was so sad, and it was then that I determined my children would never go to a nursery, and that I had to leave those jobs. (Some were even church run!) But my, how things were different when a parent was there...

SIL's status 10 mins. later:  Christ sacrificed His life for us, how can we do anything but sacrifice our lives, wants, desires, and comforts for Him and those He places in our lives? I need a nap, but what a blessing to instead love on my babies. :)  There will always be time for myself later, but these moments are gone all too fast!


Ugh.  I am so sick of her.  Judging all the time every choice we make.  I don't agree with pretty much anything that she does but I don't try to belittle her for it.  I will be vaccinating (she doesn't, at all), I will more than likely be continuing to work full-time and send LO to daycare after my 12w maternity leave (she stays at home and is pregnant with her 5th a month before us), the list of parenting differences would be a mile long but those are the main things.  It's just crazy to me how judgmental someone can be. 

Not to mention that she doesn't know our financial situation.  I need to work.  Unless DH gets a great promotion, I can't afford not to work.  They were able to have a good portion of their house paid for and she was involved in a car accident that apparently left them with a good settlement out of that... and her DH works a decent job making close to what DH & I make together!  Also, her DH is about 8 years older than her, so he had time to be working and saving.  DH & I both got married right out of college and started off with school/CC debt and no savings. 

It just frustrates me to no end that she won't shut up about it already and I know it's only going to get worse once our baby arrives.  She is the main reason I want to move back up north to be near my family, who are looking more and more sane by comparison.



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