Pregnant after IF

Baby Girl is here!

Our baby girl was born June 4th at 3:42pm via C-section after going into labor naturally 9 days early!  She is ADORABLE and we are head over heels for her already! 

I had contrax all day Friday on the 3rd (think I posted about it here!)  My water broke at the L&D ER (gross) after the nurse checked my cervix.  I was already at 5cm... it was go time!  I was somewhat comfortable while laboring except for the nasty feeling of tons and tons of amniotic fluid puddling under my butt, lol.  I had no idea there'd be SO MUCH fluid and that it would continue to flow out with each contraction.  It really caught me off guard! 

Anyway... I got the epidural a few hours later at 7cm, then later on I got pitocin to speed things up.  They kept upping the pitocin b/c baby wasn't dropping and I was stalling out around 8cm.  Eventually, I did make it to 10cm but baby was still very high.  The nurse tried a few tricks, and I tried pushing, but ultimatley, she wasn't budging.  We knew she had been measuring ahead, so chances are, she was too big to fit through my pelvis.  It was time for a c-section.

An hour or so later, our baby girl entered the world at 3:42pm and weighed in at 8lb 10oz.  She cried right away, and DH got to hold her within minutes.  A sense of relief and calm washed over me the moment I heard her cry.  Turns out the poor thing had the cord wrapped around her neck 3x so thankfully we moved on to cesarean when we did. 

The c/s was a breeze, and the recovery was as well.  I honestly felt crappier the last month of my pregnancy (physically) than I did the first day after my c-section.  I've been up and about, showering, bending, walking, etc with no issue at all.  I do not feel like I just had major abdominal surgery.  I've had very minimal pain, and all my icky pregnancy symptoms disappeared right away (carpal tunnel, swelling, heartburn, etc).  I almost feel back to "normal".

Our sweet LO is still in the hospital and we are staying in a guest room until she is released in a few days.  Her bloodwork on day 1 showed signs that her little body was fighting off an infection and doctors decided to play it safe and start IV antibiotics, which worked right away.  Her last infusion will be on Saturday, and then we can finally take her home!  We've been waiting for this moment for how long now?!?!

Life is good, ladies.  I feel so blessed to have this beautiful, sweet baby.  I am also very, very tired, lol.  Breastfeeding is coming along - it's a lot of work but I'm proud of myself for working as hard as it as I have been, since initially I wasn't sure if it was for me.  My advice is don't be afraid to reach out for help from nurses or LC's if your hospital has one.  My LC is a miracle worker!

Congrats to all the other early-June mamas!  Good luck to those coming up.  I hope everyone is doing well!

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