Pregnant after IF

My C-Section Birth Story! PsIP

Saturday, June 4th I went to bed around 11pm after taking all of my anti-contraction medications and my Ambien (which was prescribed to keep my uterus calm during sleep). I awoke suddenly at 4am when I felt a huge gush in my underwear. It didn't feel like peeing. It felt like I had started my period. A very, very heavy period. I laid there for a minute in disbelief, but when the fluid kept POURING out I figured this must be real! I woke DH up and we both flew into a frenzy trying to wrap our brains around this! My OB had warned us that my water breaking at home would be an emergency situation since Briggs was breech, so we were trying to be extremely cautious but we were also freaking out trying to throw our sh*t together and get to the hospital. We got in the car and I paged my OB, then called L&D to tell them we were on the way. Thank God it was 4am because my hubby ran every red light in Houston!

When I arrived they did a quick assessment to see if this would be an emergency c-section or not. Luckily Briggs had moved his butt down into my pelvis, so we were no longer at risk for a prolapsed cord. After that things calmed down a bit. I labored in my room for about 20 minutes while they prepped everything. WHEW, those contractions were painful! Once we got into the OR the excitement began. I thought the whole process was actually really fun!! The spinal was a BREEZE. It literally did not hurt one bit. The c-section was easy too. I'm amazed at the whole process. You don't feel pain at all, but I felt a lot more stuff than I thought I would. DH got to watch the whole thing- guts and all!

At 5:45 am they started cutting me, and at 5:51 am on Sunday, June 5, 2011, my son Briggs Sterling S. made his big debut- butt first of course :) He weighed in at a whopping 5lb 1.5oz and was 18.25" long. If you're a numbers person like me, you'll like this:  He was born on 6/5/11 (6+5=11) at 5:51am (5+5+1=11) and he weighed 5lb1.5oz (5+1+1=11). That's a whole lot of lucky # 11's! Guess we'll have to start playing the lottery.

I seriously could not be more in love with this kid. I don't think I can ever leave my house without him. He was born 4 weeks early, went through pre-term labor for 4 weeks, and had Intrauterine Growth Restriction, yet somehow he wound up being absolutely perfect and healthy in every way! This kid even breastfed 10 minutes after my c-section. He hasn't had to have a single bottle yet. He is incredible.

Here's my stud!





Our 1st IVF miracle, Briggs Sterling, born via c-section due to IUGR and footling breech. 6.5.11. 5:51am. 5lbs 1.5oz.

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