Pregnant after IF

Spotting last night & trying not to freak out...

Ugh, the last 24 hours have been not so fun for DH and I. Last night, I saw some pinkish/brownish spotting after peeing. I was able to talk to the on-call doctor, who was very reassuring and said it's very common at this stage, and since there are no cramps or red blood that I shouldn't worry. It's pretty much stopped thankfully. My RE called a while ago to check in, and even though my first u/s was scheduled next Wed., she wants me to come in tomorrow for an u/s to "see if they can see anything, just for my peace of mind before the weekend".

I'm trying really hard to stay calm and tell myself that everything is probably fine. I will be around 5w1d tomorrow, so I hope we'll get lucky and see a sac. Any similar experiences you can share or T&P's would be greatly, greatly appreciated!

After 2 1/2 years TTC, 3 IUI's, endo, and a lap, a surprise BFP brought us Alexandra Marie!
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