Pregnant after IF

Baby girl has arrived!

Lauren Elena arrived at 3:34pm, last Thursday, June 2. She was 6lbs, 7oz, 19 inches long.

I was up at 3:30am feeling menstrual type cramps. Around 6am I felt a pop, went to the bathroom and  there was some leakage but I wasn't sure what it was. I told DH but sent him to work telling him I didn't think it was anything. Then about ten minutes later I felt more leaking and rushed to the toilet. There was a gush and I knew it was my water! I called DH and told him to head back home.  The OB on call told me to head to the hospital but said there was no need to rush as I wasn't having many contractions yet. I showeredI arrived at  the hospital around 8am,  I was 5cm dilated, got an epidural, waited for a bit and started pushing around 2:45pm and Lauren arrived shortly after. Check out her picture in my siggy.

Sept. 2010: IVF #1= BFP; May 2012: FET #1= blighted ovum, D&C; FET #2= ?? Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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