Pregnant after IF

? for IVF ladies...with no frosties

Visiting from IFV...

Looking for some encouragement and success stories for those that got pregnant from a fresh cycle that didn't have any frozen embryos leftover.  This is my 4th fresh cycle but first with donor sperm.  I was really hoping we'd have some frosties so I could hopefully never have to do another fresh cycle again.  We transferred 2 good quality expanding blasts yesterday and the other remaining four didn't make it to freeze. 

I know that they say most cycles don't get frozens but I can't help but be sad and question what we did transfer.  (We do have 4 frozen from my very first IVF but that's before we knew about my DH's balanced there's a high chance that those frozens are genetically abnormal. :(  )

Thanks ladies!  

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"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1
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