Pregnant after IF

Work insecurities? I feel like a loon...

I am feeling very hormonal these days, which is making me feel kind of crazy, so I am probably feeling insecure for no reason.  I have had to train a lot of people to take over parts of my job since I'll be gone for 6 mos, but I have had to train one person for a majority of it.  It happens to be a women who despises me (I have never been able to figure out why since I get along well with everyone in the company).  The dynamic is just weird, which is making me very uncomfortable.  Ever since I finished her training she has been taking on projects that have to do with my job behind my back, my bosses said they would talk to her, but as usual she cried (uncontrollably), which is slightly odd for a 55 yr old women and then called in sick for 2 days after being talked to so they backed down and are letting her run wild.  I have continued to try and be nice to her to keep the peace, but even if I come in and say Hi to her she just turns her back on me and ignores me.  The only time she will speak to me is if she needs help with something and since no one else knows my job she is forced to come to me.  This just piles onto problems we've had for years, I used to be her supervisor, which she admitted upset her because I am young enough to be her daughter, she literally slams office doors in my face, belittles me in staff meetings (she does this to our whole dept not just me), yells at me and our other staff and when she gets called on it, cries so that our male bosses back down.  I've filed an informal complaint due to the uncomfortable working environment and my bosses totally dropped the ball because she of course had a crying fit when they approached her about it.

A part of me feels totally insecure leaving my job in her hands, I think partly because I get the feeling that she thinks now she is going to compete with me for everything, I am just not a confrontational person.  Logically I know she doesn't have anywhere near my education or experience, but like I said I am hormonal and while my bosses say they have my back they are really wishy washy and tend to give in because she cries all the time and it makes them uncomfortable.

There's really no point to this post I guess except that I need to get it all out of my head.  Anyone else feel weird leaving their jobs to their backup?  This insecurity is normal right?

TTC since 8/2004
Me - DX Hashimoto's Disease, Hypothyroid, Rheumatoid Arthritis
DH - DX Azoospermia - Sertoli Cell Syndrome
DS-IUI #1-4 BFN IVF #1 - BFP! It's a boy!!!
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