Pregnant after IF

the twins are here--birth story and PIP

Friday June 3 I went in for my scheduled c/s on 38w1d and everything went as smoothly as possible. I was very afraid of the spinal, but it was nothing. And I didn't even realize that they had started cutting me until I heard the Dr say she was taking out the first baby.

The funny thing is as soon as she handed off Baby A she turned around and Baby B was popping out all on his own. So both twins were born within seconds of each other at 3:17pm.

Baby A: William Evan was 7lbs 7oz

Baby B: Lucas Anthony was 7lbs 1oz

Still can't believe that I had about 14 1/2 lbs of baby in me!!

Here are some pics. Here they are all ready to go home. Lucas is on the left.



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