Pregnant after IF

Cyst from fertility meds

When we had our 6w u/s the other day, the RE noticed a 41 mm cyst leftover from the Femara. I was so caught up in looking at our little baby that I totally forgot to worry about the cyst. She did not seem super concerned about it - just said it was still giving off progesterone (which is good right now I suppose). I am kind of sore of that side, but I am more worried about it now and what will happen with it.


Did anyone have leftover cysts from the fertility meds when they were pregnant? Did they go away on their own? What happens if they dont?

After 18 months TTC, our 2nd IUI brought us our BFP! Stick baby stick! FuzziBunz at Nurtured Family BabyFetus Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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