Pregnant after IF

Have you noticed

that on the tri boards and birth month boards lots of posters try to use the term "overly sensitive" to disguise someone being selfish during their pregnancy?? The bump I used to know would tell some of these women to put on their big girl panties, but instead all I see is other posters saying "Oh, you poor thing. You are just overly sensitive right now." What??? They use this to justify gender disappointment and to justify someone being upset that someone is going to miss their shower to go to a relative's wedding or being mad at a friend with IF because she hasn't offered to help plan a shower for her. WTF? I am told I am mean for calling them selfish. I think I need to stay away from those other boards for awhile...

It just irks me that now that we are pregnant we are expected to blow rainbows up everyone else's arse.

Can't wait to meet our miracle this November!! BabyFruit Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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