Pregnant after IF

XP: My Push Gift! (PIP)

Well, it's actually a combo 5th wedding anniversary / push gift. When we got married, I insisted on saving money on my ring, so I got a $250 silver & quartz ring instead of a "real" wedding ring. We decided we would upgrade on our 5th wedding anniversary to diamonds, and our anniversary just happens to fall right after our daughter will be born, so this is my combo gift. It's the first real diamond jewelry I have ever owned and I feel very grown up now :) image 
DW & I (yes, we're lesbians!) are using anonymous donor sperm and IUI TTC#1! Diagnosed with pituitary adenoma at age 16 2009: Extensive testing to find reason for irregular periods & rule out uterine cancer 10/2010: Dx possible PCOS / No Ovulation / Retroverted Uterus IUI #1 on 11/10/10 (50mg Clomid + Ovidrel trigger + Anonymous Donor Sperm) = BFN IUI #2 on 12/15/10 (50mg Clomid + Ovidrel trigger + Anonymous Donor Sperm) = BFP!!! Beta #1 = 75 (12dpiui) Beta #2 = 158 (14dpiui) Beta #3 = 333 (15dpiui) Beta #4 = 2,517 (19dpiui) First OB appointment and u/s 1/25/10 EDD: 9/7/11 BabyName Ticker
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