Pregnant after IF

I have an OUTSIDE baby!

Hiiii ladies!! Hate to post and run but I knew I needed to get on here and post a quick update. The last 2.5 days have been nothing short of chaotic, but they have been the BEST few days of my life!

I will post my full birth story later, but here's the short version:

My water broke in my sleep on Sunday at 4am. I panicked because Briggs was breech! DH and I made it safely to the hospital about 20 minutes later and my doctor made it just a few minutes behind me. They got me prepped and we headed to the OR. Briggs Sterling S. was born on 6/5/11 at 5:51am. He is a teeny little guy, weighing in at 5lb 1.5oz but he is one ball of PERFECTNESS!

My milk already came in and he's breastfeeding like a champ! This kid is an over-achiever for sure :)     Time to go feed my little man. Pics and birth story coming soon!

Our 1st IVF miracle, Briggs Sterling, born via c-section due to IUGR and footling breech. 6.5.11. 5:51am. 5lbs 1.5oz.

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