Pregnant after IF

Offically joining you ladies

We got our BFP about a month ago, but it didn't really sink in until our u/s today with the RE. We got to see our little blob (just 1!) and the heart was just beating away at 124 bpm. I honestly could not believe that was inside of me. We had 3 perfectly doubling betas, and as the RE said today at the ultrasound, the baby could not look more perfect for this age!!

So...I look forward getting to know you ladies better! It is amazing the journey that we have been on and our little one is due almot 2 years to the day that we started TTC. :)

After 18 months TTC, our 2nd IUI brought us our BFP! Stick baby stick! FuzziBunz at Nurtured Family BabyFetus Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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